Just finished Blacklist and I loved it

About a year ago, my wife and I began watching “Blacklist” on Netflix, and today (August 20, 2023), we’ve finally finished the last episode. It’s been quite a journey. It’s astounding to consider the length of time we’ve dedicated to this show—10 seasons, roughly 22 episodes per season, with each episode running about 45 minutes. That’s a total of 165 hours of viewing. What the hell… Now, the pertinent question emerges: was it worth it? Absolutely.

While we didn’t exclusively watch this show, it was our main show that we watched. All in all, I found it to be highly enjoyable. The intrigue consistently kept me engaged, the characters were well-crafted (though some more compelling than others), and the series wrapped up in a satisfying manner.

In terms of character development, the writers did an admirable job enabling me to emotionally connect with the choices these characters faced. Aram’s endearing quirkiness won me over, Donald’s unwavering determination resonated, and my personal favorite, Harold, stood out. His composed, resolute demeanor and exceptional leadership skills left a lasting impression. If I were to emulate certain qualities, I’d certainly choose those displayed by Harold. The other characters associated within the FBI were fine, but meh, they were secondary to me and they that didn’t really resonate.

Raymond and his associates were the driving force behind my continuous interest. His anecdotes, insights, and occasional moments of extreme intellect were often implausible yet tremendously entertaining. Particularly as the series unfolded, the transformation from the ruthless “concierge of crime” to the multi-dimensional character he became was intriguing. The dynamics of Red’s team added depth to the narrative, showcasing his aptitude for assembling individuals who played pivotal roles in his operations. Notably, Dembe emerged as a steadfast cornerstone, and his role in the overarching story was outstanding.

Among the memorable episodes, one from sub-season 8 stands out—the response to the COVID-19 shutdown. Despite the unfavorable circumstances, the creative approach taken by the Blacklist team was commendable. The incorporation of mixed media was particularly enjoyable, adding an extra layer to the storytelling. Without delving into specifics, I can affirm that the “Blacklist” team adeptly navigated the constraints they faced. It was also pretty funny to hear the actors do voice-overs in what sounded like recording from a closet.

Anyway… a turning point surfaces around season 8. I won’t delve into particulars, but the events post season 8 really dragged out the show. While the essence of the “Blacklist” remained, it underwent a discernible shift. Could they have cut out seasons 9 and 10? Yeah, to some degree. But they didn’t and that’s fine. There was still enough Blacklist in there that it made it worth watching.

Overall, each character’s personal trials and tribulations wove into the larger narrative fabric, a tapestry I freakin’ loved. The overarching story arc struck a chord with me, and I can genuinely say that I cherished every moment of the show. From the thrilling intrigue to the well-crafted characters and the series’ evolution, it was an awesome experience that I wholeheartedly embraced. Now, as we wrap up this show, it is time to move onto the next. Finally we can make a dent in our huge backlog of other series.

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